Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Yoga For Low Back Pain

Yoga is a one of my favorite forms of physical activity because of its accessibility and versatility.  Just about anyone can do it in some form or another from the hard-core couch potato to the the ultra-active.  It has wide-spread use as you can do it for exercise, stress or pain relief.
Low-back pain can be tricky to address because, in many cases, the cause is not the low back.  This is where yoga comes in very handy.  Not only does it treat the painful symptoms by gently stretching affected tissues, it also works to correct the source of the pain.

Weak core muscles are notorious for causing or contributing to low back pain.  Doing yoga correctly relies heavily on proper core-activation, therefore challenging the core to stabilize you through the movements resulting in stronger, more efficient muscles.  As the core becomes stronger and more stable, it is better able to support the low back in everyday movement, thus improving and/or eliminating associated pain.

Here is a great article about yoga and low back pain.  It gives excellent step-by-step instructions for several great poses.  There are no excuses not to at least try this yoga routine.  No equipment is needed and you can do it just about anywhere you feel comfortable.  There's nothing to lose but your pain and possibly your waistline.

Allison Voigt, Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist and director of the Fit Stronger program at the Back Resort & Rejuvenation Health Center

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