Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Whole Body Vibration and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

For anyone who exercises delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, is a familiar nuisance.  Sometimes this feeling can be rewarding as it reminds us that we worked hard and that our bodies are changing for the better.  Other times it can be excruciating and may even prevent us from doing normal activities.  Remedies for DOMS are always welcome and appreciated.

Here at the Back Resort, our patients have access to Whole Body Vibration (WBV), which I have blogged about here in the past.  In addition to its other uses, research has shown WBV to be beneficial for DOMS as well.  In one study, participants were instructed to perform stretches post work out.  One group performed stretches with WBV and the other did not.  The group utilizing WBV  experienced, "significantly lower level of reported perceived pain."So, performing post-workout stretches using WBV may actually help treat the symptoms of DOMS.  

Another study found WBV to be an effective means of DOMS prevention when applied before exercise.  Not only did performing WBV before exercise help to decrease the pain associated with DOMS, there is also evidence that it may increase muscle function.  Whether you are currently experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of DOMS or you are looking to prevent it, Whole Body Vibration may be one effective avenue to achieve your goal.